Input:       75 animals per day

Output: Cold carcass                          

Modules: 1

    • Abattoir+Cooling room 


Input:       2 tons per day

Output: Cuts, minced meat and sausage – wrap and vacuum packed

Modules: 3

    • Abattoir + Cooling room
    • Processing
    • Cold Storage

CATTLE – outdoor slaughter

Input:       3 animals per hour

Output: Cold quarters

Modules: 1 (20 ft)

    • Slaughter hoist + Cooling room


Input:       70 animals per day

Output: Cold carcass

Modules: 2

    • Abattoir + Cooling room 
    • Cooling room + Cold Storage


Input:       65.000 animals per year

Output: Frozen and packed products

Modules: 11

    • Abattoir x 2
    • Cooling room x 4
    • Processing x 2
    • Freezers x 3


Input:       2800 kg/day

Output: Sausage, salami, smoked products and cuts – vacuum-packed

Modules: 6

    • Inflow
    • Abattoir
    • Processing
    • Maturing
    • Cold Storage
    • Freezing

Fast value adding

Slaughter and meat processing is the fastest value adding process in the livestock value chain.  If you have a reliable number of animals, and access to market for your improved products, you have the two most important parts for building your business. We will cover your needs in between. 

Your market position

Find your unique selling point, and develop your product portfolio according to that. All markets have their characteristics. Market insights, either local, domestic or international will give you a unique opportunity for doing business in the industry. Have in mind that product price, production complexity, time and risks often balance in the market.

Our solution

We provide solutions that tap into a wide range of value chains around the world. We can supply our STANDARD products or individual costumized solutions that fit exactly into the client’s specifications. 

This calculation is made as an indicative budgeting tool for the initial investment considerations. The calculations are based on experiences from the practical world across continents. Production costs and outputs are calculated as average across animal type, based on a typical product program. It is strongly recommended that an accurate budget is prepared based on current conditions. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that numbers and metrics match current conditions. AVS Agric Aps disclaims responsibility for possible miscalculations and consequences in applying the budget.



All done 🙂

Profit and loss calculation

Your investment profile:

Profit annual[item-288_price]

Max investment ceiling with 5 years return [item-283_price]


Description Information Quantity Price
Discount :
Total :

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